Bieszczady (Mountains in Poland)
Bieszczady is the western part of Eastern Beskid, between the Mountain Pass Łupkowska and the Mountain Pass Wyszkowska. Beskid range is situated mostly in the Ukraine. A part of the Western Bieszczady is situated in Poland.
These mountains are indeed not too high, the highest peak on the Polish territory is only 1346 m (Tarnica), but they have their charm. First, there is no such crowds as, for example, in the Tatra Mountains. If you want to have some peace, you should just go for the weekend in Bieszczady. You can take here long hikes, routes are not too demanding. And you will find there amazing landscapes all around.
Point localization on a map
Geographical coordinates: 49.13477797645825000, 22.62376785278320300 /Fullscreen