Pogoria IV Lake, Silesia, Poland
The pictures show the panorama of cold Pogoria IV in February 2011 and surfer dragged on a rope winch installed on the shore. Pogoria IV is the youngest of the four lakes Pogoria arising as a result of flooding of the former sand-pit mine in Dąbrowa Górnicza. In summer it is a place often visited by people from even further afield Towns - besieged by amateur road cycling, addicted to adrenaline motocross motorcycle and quads enthusiasts. Lovers of the rollers and even kite surfing or canoeing appreciate this place as a unique character, a long smooth asphalt and clean water.
In winter Pogoria IV attracts cross-country skiing.
Point localization on a map
Geographical coordinates: 50.36227288624886000, 19.19079780578613300 /Fullscreen