Log onwasthere-compas

Your journeys

Language changed correctly

Entry's filtering has been changed correctly

2011-01-03 17:01:29 / modified: 2013-11-23 22:20:21

Due to laws governing electronic services, internet service laws state, as well as the Polish legal system?s directive of the European Parliament and Council 2000/31/EC of 8 June 2000 the disclosure of the following agreement is provided for you in the below agreement.


0. Table of Contents

  1. Definitions
  2. General Provisions
  3. Terms of Use
  4. Rights and Duties of the Administrator
  5. Rights and Obligations of the User and Editor
  6. Privacy Policy
  7. Final Provisions

1. Definitions

  1. Service: is the set of data stored on the server and processing program in which the graphical user interface is visible at http://www.wasthere.com.
  2. Statement of Regulations: a document containing the services and content regulations that are protected by copyright.
  3. User: is called a visitor of the service, for example via a web browser
  4. The Editor: The User who registered and has the possession of a unique number and password that allows the user to login to the site and use the additional functions of WASTHERE and abides by additional rules.
  5. Site Administrator and Editor: the User who has additional superuser privileges who uses these functions to maintain order and harmony on the site.

2. General Provisions

  1. All trademarks used on this site are for informational purposes and are the property of their respective owners.
  2. The information presented on the website does not constitute an offer within the meaning of the law.

3. Terms of Use

  1. Absolute condition of use is acceptance of these Rules - a user who does not agree with the provisions of the Regulations,will not use the service.

4. Rights and duties of the Administrator

  1. The administrator has the duty to make every effort to ensure maximum security of data contained on the site, particularly the personal data of all the editors and the content of internal communications between editors.
  2. The Administrator is entitled to change the service either partially or comprehensively.

5. Rights and Obligations of the User and Editor

  1. You have the right to view the content presented on the site
  2. You have the right to hold any number of friends, and keep any number of groups, editorial boards, but should strive to ensure that the entries under editorship contain at least 4 pictures and at least a 3-line description- If the entry is for a place - so it can be marked on the map with the greatest possible precision.
  3. When work on entry is finished - Chief Editor can put the entry into matching categories, or - if it is necessary - submit a new category to be added.
  4. Editor-in-chief is responsible for the content presented in its entries.
  5. ProhibitedAction Statement: any user who takes action that leads or has the potential to lead to distortion of stability operation of the service, including adding photos of mass, mass entries or send an internal e-mail to Editors service. Such behavior will be recorded along with the time of their occurrence and the IP number of the user who committed them,additionally it is forbidden to put content inconsistent with Polish law any user who does not abide by the statement of prohibited actions will accept the responsibility and consequences for the prohibited action.

6. Privacy Policy

  1. Service uses cookies and so-called beacons to identify the user

7. Final Provisions

  1. Terms of this agreement are constantly changing as WASTHERE is currently in development- users should monitor the current agreement and and any changes to the privacy practices.
  2. due to circumstances beyond the control of the Administrator. WASTHERE does not guarantee service availability nor does it guarantee operationality of the service without glitches.