Green Lake
One of the most interesting lakes in Europe-from time to time be flooded by the Austrians called "Gruner See". The exact location shown on the map. Lake fed from the melting snows, its maximum depth reaches 12 meters around May and June.
A little bit different New York :)
Majorca road biking
Majorca road biking
Perfect Holidays - Gozo
Have you ever wondered, how looks like the most beautiful place on the Earth?
El Caminito del Rey
No Trespassing: D
Gibraltar - Iberian Peninsula
10th day of our 16-day assault on Spain
Arboretum (Poland, Lodz)
Arboretum in Rogow is a garden of a forest park belonging to the Agricultural University.
Côte d'Azur
Cote d'Azur, coastal part of the French Provence, on the border with Italy.