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    • The Grand Canyon Samaria (Greece, Crete)

      The Grand Canyon Samaria (Greece, Crete), Photo 609
      The beauty of the gorge of Samaria is located in south-western part of Crete is best reflected in the parable told by the Greeks: "When Zeus was asked - what is the most beautiful place on Earth - replied: Greece. What is the most beautiful places in Greece? - Zeus on this question answered: Crete. And what is most beautiful in Crete - the question Zeus replied: Samaria Gorge. "
    • Gliwice Water Port

      Gliwice Water Port, Photo 42
      Gliwice Water Port evening fotographiy - pictures show the influence of water barge locks. Gliwice Water Port is next to the radio station, greenhouse, and the airport, one of the places worth to visit in Gliwice.