Abandoned hotel in Kozubnik (Beskid, Poland)
Kozubnik is a well known place, both for lovers of abandoned buildings, photographers, fans of paint-ball and turbo-golf. Here, suddenly, in the middle of the forest, you can find unused multi-storey buildings and abandoned indoor swimming pools. All in wild mountain scenery of Beskid (Poland).
Presented photos were taken in April, 2011. At that time, with caution, it was possible to achieve the roof of abandoned hotel. The staircase was complete, except of only one step, leading to first floor. Going down from the roof become much more stressfull than climbing up, especially the way from the roof to last floor, where, due to missing handrail and strong wind blowing sand in the eyes - it was necessary to keep cold blood.
Point localization on a map
Geographical coordinates: 49.81760693055608000, 19.21199798583984400 /Fullscreen