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    • Nazca Desert

      Nazca Desert, Photo 1520
      Nazca Desert - flight over Nazca Lines. Nazca Plateau is known especially from the so-called Drawings of Nazca - line system, which when viewed from above resemble the shape of animals or geometric shapes which can be a work of a Nazca culture. Or aliens? ;)
    • PhiPhi Island

      PhiPhi Island, Photo 2236
      Lookout on the island PhiPhi is also the place of evacuation in the event of typhoon - this is the only safe place on the island.
    • Pieniny, Three Crowns, Dunajec River

      Pieniny, Three Crowns, Dunajec River, Photo 1071
      Pieniny is a well known tourist region, which enjoys a considerable tourist attraction. Pieniny Mountains and their main summit: "Three Crowns" can be visited any time of year. Pieniny region offers a wide range of accommodation - for a whole year long we can choose both, the number of hotels, private accommodation and three tourist chalets.
    • Pisac

      Pisac, Photo 1556
      Pisac - on the way to Machu Piccu
    • Round The World - Open Travel Contest

      Round The World - Open Travel Contest, Photo 2444
      Take a part in the "round the world" contest. The competition rules are simple. Reward is great and not to be underestimated. The world is small - see you on the trail :)
    • The Dead Sea and Fortress of Masada

      The Dead Sea and Fortress of Masada, Photo 1370
      Salt lake with no outlet located in the lowest depression on Earth - water level reaches 418 meters under see level. Salinity of the lake makes it even knows how to swim easily float on water. Just be careful to lie back and not on the stomach.
    • The Grand Canyon Samaria (Greece, Crete)

      The Grand Canyon Samaria (Greece, Crete), Photo 609
      The beauty of the gorge of Samaria is located in south-western part of Crete is best reflected in the parable told by the Greeks: "When Zeus was asked - what is the most beautiful place on Earth - replied: Greece. What is the most beautiful places in Greece? - Zeus on this question answered: Crete. And what is most beautiful in Crete - the question Zeus replied: Samaria Gorge. "
    • The Great Wall of China

      The Great Wall of China, Photo 1381
      The Great Wall of China - collective name for defense systems composed of natural dams, the network of forts and towers of observation, and (in the most strategic places) walls of beaten earth, brick or stone, the lining of the northern China against invasions of the peoples of the Great Steppe.