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The Grand Canyon Samaria (Greece, Crete), Photo 615
The Grand Canyon Samaria (Greece, Crete), Photo 614
The Grand Canyon Samaria (Greece, Crete), Photo 613
The Grand Canyon Samaria (Greece, Crete), Photo 612
The Grand Canyon Samaria (Greece, Crete), Photo 611
The Grand Canyon Samaria (Greece, Crete), Photo 610
The Grand Canyon Samaria (Greece, Crete), Photo 608
The Grand Canyon Samaria (Greece, Crete), Photo 607
The Grand Canyon Samaria (Greece, Crete), Photo 606
The Grand Canyon Samaria (Greece, Crete), Photo 605
The Grand Canyon Samaria (Greece, Crete), Photo 609
The beauty of the gorge of Samaria is located in south-western part of Crete is best reflected in the parable told by the Greeks: "When Zeus was asked - what is the most beautiful place on Earth - replied: Greece. What is the most beautiful places in Greece? - Zeus on this question answered: Crete. And what is most beautiful in Crete - the question Zeus replied: Samaria Gorge. "
This is without doubt one of those places on Earth, which are seen again in the memories of a lifetime. The longest dry gorge in Europe, measured by a 18 km, and tourists - looking for breathtaking views - can overcome the distance down from situated 1227 meters above sea level Ksiloskalo (Greek Wooden Stairs) to sea level. This trip lasts all day. Those who go to the top by coach will see winding route passing through the narrow Greek roads, where on one side of the bus can be seen almost vertical wall up - Second down. Extreme of these views accurately reflect the board guides who offer to people with weak nerves do not look out the window.
Point localization on a map

Geographical coordinates: 35.23664622093195000, 24.07388305524364000 /FullscreenBig map mode