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    • Côte d'Azur

      Côte d\'Azur, Photo 1462
      Cote d'Azur, coastal part of the French Provence, on the border with Italy.
    • Durmitor National Park (Montenegro)

      Durmitor National Park (Montenegro), Photo 1453
      Durmitor - one of the Dinaric mountains (highest peak Bobotovkuk 2522 m) and at the same time the National Park in Montenegro, a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1980, park covers Europe's deepest canyon of the river Tara.
    • Slovenia (Kobarid)

      Slovenia (Kobarid), Photo 684
      He was young like the sky without a trace of smile as the wind tore into the flight
      He wanted to try, in spite of himself so he stood at the top among the rocks
      came the omnious sound of the sea in the distance as if the world was to end up
    • Tolmin, Slovenia

      Tolmin, Slovenia, Photo 675
      Tolmin is a city located in Slovenia. The main attractions of this colorful town is e.g. modern sport park, or the center of Old Town. Lovers of history, they should find something for yourself, because in the area can see many remains of the First World War.
    • Gliwice Radio Station (Silesia, Poland)

      Gliwice Radio Station (Silesia, Poland), Photo 1352
      Gliwice Radio Station is the highest wooden building in Europe, its height is easy to remember, because equal measures 111m in height. Brilliant place for a romantic walk, especially at night when you can admire a wooden structure beautifully lit tower. The area around the radio station is well maintained, renovated sidewalks and numerous benches also encourage walking and at rest in this place.