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    • Ostrava

      Ostrava, Photo 446
      City of trams and trolleybuses, which is lying in the Czech Republic in the Moravian-Silesian Region of the country, at the Polish border. In the vicinity of the market, you can find countless pubs, which are offering valued worldwide Czech beer. Wires of electric public transport are just everywhere ;-) Overhead!
    • Round The World - Open Travel Contest

      Round The World - Open Travel Contest, Photo 2444
      Take a part in the "round the world" contest. The competition rules are simple. Reward is great and not to be underestimated. The world is small - see you on the trail :)
    • Ustka - Rowy (Polish Seaside 15km Walk)

      Ustka - Rowy (Polish Seaside 15km Walk), Photo 1927
      The sea coast has always fascinated me with the fact that you can walk by the land only in the one or the other direction. To get to the Rowy from Katowice I had to include a change at Ustka. The day before, I noticed that it does not - Rowy is only 15 km to the east from Ustka. Only remaining question - is it possible to pass this section of coast? The sea can be affected by river or beach can be steep and overgrown ... However, I decided to check it out by my own;)