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Durmitor National Park (Montenegro), Photo 1454
Durmitor National Park (Montenegro), Photo 1455
Durmitor National Park (Montenegro), Photo 1456
Durmitor National Park (Montenegro), Photo 1457
Durmitor National Park (Montenegro), Photo 1458
Durmitor National Park (Montenegro), Photo 1459
Durmitor National Park (Montenegro), Photo 1460
Durmitor National Park (Montenegro), Photo 1461
Durmitor National Park (Montenegro), Photo 1453
Durmitor - one of the Dinaric mountains (highest peak Bobotovkuk 2522 m) and at the same time the National Park in Montenegro, a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1980, park covers Europe's deepest canyon of the river Tara.
The massif is made of limestone which is associated with numerous karst. Landscape similar to the Tatras. A big plus, however, is much smaller volume of tourist traffic and affordable prices. The local tourist center is Zabljak. Knowledge of English is not common here but you can successfully communicate in Polish.
Point localization on a map

Geographical coordinates: 43.14254985294732600, 19.09064054576447200 /FullscreenBig map mode