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    • The Great Wall of China

      The Great Wall of China, Photo 1381
      The Great Wall of China - collective name for defense systems composed of natural dams, the network of forts and towers of observation, and (in the most strategic places) walls of beaten earth, brick or stone, the lining of the northern China against invasions of the peoples of the Great Steppe.
    • Three Ponds Valley (Katowice, Poland)

      Three Ponds Valley (Katowice, Poland), Photo 594
      Three Ponds Valley is a park and sports-recreational complex, located in my home city, Katowice. In an Ignacy Paderewski district, Muchowiec. The valley has several bike paths and numerous of walking paths :)
    • Tokyo Imperial Palace

      Tokyo Imperial Palace, Photo 1380
      Imperial Palace, which is the main residence of Emperor of Japan, is located in central Tokyo and surrounded by administrative and governmental districts. On this photo there is also seen Otemachi ? financial center and headquarters for large Japanese corporations.
    • Tolmin, Slovenia

      Tolmin, Slovenia, Photo 675
      Tolmin is a city located in Slovenia. The main attractions of this colorful town is e.g. modern sport park, or the center of Old Town. Lovers of history, they should find something for yourself, because in the area can see many remains of the First World War.
    • Ustka - Rowy (Polish Seaside 15km Walk)

      Ustka - Rowy (Polish Seaside 15km Walk), Photo 1927
      The sea coast has always fascinated me with the fact that you can walk by the land only in the one or the other direction. To get to the Rowy from Katowice I had to include a change at Ustka. The day before, I noticed that it does not - Rowy is only 15 km to the east from Ustka. Only remaining question - is it possible to pass this section of coast? The sea can be affected by river or beach can be steep and overgrown ... However, I decided to check it out by my own;)
    • Zakrzówek Lagoon (Lake in Cracow)

      Zakrzówek Lagoon (Lake in Cracow), Photo 833
      One of the favorite lagoons inhabitants of Cracow, were created as a result of flooding worn limestone quarry. Beautiful place, thanks to the proximity of the city which allows a break from the hustle and bustle in a natural setting, without leaving a Krakow. Lagoon, which consists of two vessels of the combined passage is located near the Park "Twardowski Rocks."