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    • Into the wild

      Into the wild, Photo 1611
      Track passed by Supertramper (Chriss McCandless), the main character of the book based on fact: "Into the wild" written by Jon Krakauer.
    • Côte d'Azur

      Côte d\'Azur, Photo 1462
      Cote d'Azur, coastal part of the French Provence, on the border with Italy.
    • Durmitor National Park (Montenegro)

      Durmitor National Park (Montenegro), Photo 1453
      Durmitor - one of the Dinaric mountains (highest peak Bobotovkuk 2522 m) and at the same time the National Park in Montenegro, a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1980, park covers Europe's deepest canyon of the river Tara.
    • Tokyo Imperial Palace

      Tokyo Imperial Palace, Photo 1380
      Imperial Palace, which is the main residence of Emperor of Japan, is located in central Tokyo and surrounded by administrative and governmental districts. On this photo there is also seen Otemachi ? financial center and headquarters for large Japanese corporations.
    • The Great Wall of China

      The Great Wall of China, Photo 1381
      The Great Wall of China - collective name for defense systems composed of natural dams, the network of forts and towers of observation, and (in the most strategic places) walls of beaten earth, brick or stone, the lining of the northern China against invasions of the peoples of the Great Steppe.
    • Cheonggyecheon Seul Downtown

      Cheonggyecheon Seul Downtown, Photo 1379
      Cheonggyecheon is a modern waterfront in downtown Seoul. It was developed as a massive urban renewal project, which utilized a stream that was covered before by the infrastructure and used for a public recreation space.
    • The Forbidden City - Pekin (China)

      The Forbidden City - Pekin (China), Photo 1378
      The Forbidden City is a former imperial palace located in the middle of Beijing and listed as a World Heritage Cite. On one the gates from the side of the Tiananmen Square there is a photo of
    • The Dead Sea and Fortress of Masada

      The Dead Sea and Fortress of Masada, Photo 1370
      Salt lake with no outlet located in the lowest depression on Earth - water level reaches 418 meters under see level. Salinity of the lake makes it even knows how to swim easily float on water. Just be careful to lie back and not on the stomach.