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Entry's order has been changed correctly

2012-07-24 13:43:28 / modified: 2012-07-24 13:59:32

An example of article, Photo 1606
This is only exemple of article. Choose this entry to get know more about "Article" entry's type.
The main difference between "Article" ant other entry's types is having not map included in that kind of entry.

Choose "Article" to add enrty not associated with a any place. Then you can describe some topics, such as, e.g. "Wildeness survival techniques".

To add a new entry just choose "Add new entry" on the left hand side menu.
Stats' panel will be activated when author will change the article's status to "finished"
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      • In this category, the editorial office's cheif can add a new content and next - assign it to appropriate services' categories